Wedding tips & tricks

Now, I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the biggest wedding person, of course, I wanted the pretty white dress and the handsome husband, just not that into putting that much time or money into a party. What can I say? I’m a practical girl, I can think of many other things that deserve my hard-earned cash (or my parents, let’s be honest). For the cost of what most elaborate weddings cost, I would much rather have a few Chanel bags, a down payment towards a house, a luxury vacation, etc. That being said, I sat down with my friend and wedding photographer, Kelly, and went over some tips to help make your wedding dreamy and cost-efficient.

You don’t need to blow your budget on the dress.

Your wedding dress doesn’t need to be designer, maybe you can splurge on a pair of red bottoms to wear under your dress (at least you will be able to wear those again), but your dress really doesn’t have to be. There are less expensive alternatives, like Anomalie, where you can custom make the dress of your dreams and it won’t break the bank. Look into all your resources before you spend a fortune at a bridal boutique. There’s always the vintage route, it might be worth looking into a timeless preowned piece. Sometimes classic is just what you need, which brings me to my next point.

Don’t follow the trends.

You want to be able to look back at your wedding photos with pride not embarrassment over the color of your bridesmaid’s dresses or the style of your hair. Think traditional over trends, wedding fads come and go, what is in today won’t necessarily be in tomorrow. Keep it timeless and chic.

Bigger isn’t always better.

With Covid limiting the size of social gatherings, micro weddings and elopements have been taking over and I’m here for it. You don’t need the big fancy party after all the marriage is between you and your partner and nothing else really matters at the end of the day. Sometimes simplicity is key.

Lastly, choose your priorities.


Think strongly about what is important to you and that’s where you can put the majority of your budget. If having great photos is really important to you then spend some money on an excellent photographer. By the way, if you are looking for an excellent photographer, my friend Kelly and her husband are some of the best! Check them out here.

To listen to my full episode and interview with Kelly and for more tips check out my podcast!



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